Corporate Sponsorship

January 28th, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m genuinely hoping that you can help me to  with regards to our upcoming Assembly Line Concert: Second Shift.

As I type (between customers at the cafe!) attention and details are quickly arising that  need to be addressed.

Publications, promotional material and other items -that we sincerely hope you will be a part of-cannot be fully developed without your involvement.

Assembly Line Concert Sponsorship

It is there that you will be refreshed on the levels of involvement.

Currently we have, among others, a commitment from GM and the UAW for the “Hot Rod” level.  This is a 10K level and with that have some great things to offer. Our message is your message. Your sponsorship selection will be entered into our data base and you will be contacted for further instructions for all necessary names, artwork and web links within 3 business working days from reciept.  That is why we are putting on another epic Guinness world record concert.

I am in discussions with many top-level dignitaries and officials who are set to become part of
the concert, as well as our gala “creative black-tie pep rally” on March 18th at AJ’s Cafe, the night before the big concert.

Thank you for helping to sponsor the Assembly Line II, Second Shift Concert.  I am a little fish in a big pond. I intend to get the word out in a big way on all that is great about our Detroit-born auto industry.  If this years event is anything like last years, I have no doubt that the message will get out, even bigger this time.

But I need your help. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Kindest regards,

Allen “AJ” O’Neil

cell 248 .854.8087

Assembly Line Concert
AJ’s Cafe

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